Family Therapy Tests
Marriage and Family Therapy Tests
Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES II)
This instrument measures parts of the Circumplex Model of family functioning. Family Cohesion assesses the degree to which family members are separated from or connected to their family. It is the emotional bonding that family members have toward one another. Family Adaptability (change) is the extent to which the family system is flexible and able to change. It is the ability of a family to change its power structure, role relationships and relationship rules in response to situational and developmental stress.
Family Satisfaction (FamSat)
It is often less important where the family is located on any given therapy model than how satisfied the people are with the family. This scale measures family satisfaction regarding the cohesion (closeness) and adaptability (change) in the family. HIGH satisfaction indicates the person is fairly pleased with the family and that many needs are being met. LOW satisfaction indicates the person feels the family is not meeting important needs and that specific change would be helpful.
The Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES)
(McCubbin, Olson & Larsen, 1981) was created to identify effective problem-solving and behavioral strategies utilized by families in difficult or problematic situation. It is based on the Double ABCX Model of family stress and considers pile-up, family resources, and meaning or perceptions. It measures 30 coping behaviors that look at two levels of interaction. (1) Individual to family system, or the ways a family internally handles difficulties and problems between its members, and (2) Family to social environment or the ways a family externally handles problems or demands from outside its boundaries. HIGH scores indicate more coping behaviors. It is likely that families having lots of coping behaviors are more successful adapting to stressful situations. LOW scores indicate a shortage of general coping behavior. It is likely that families that do not have enough resources (such as coping behaviors) will experience problems when trying to adapt to stressful situations. [Norm error adjusted 5/16/2015]
Quality of LIfe - Adolescent Version (QualityA)
This test evaluates the perception of the quality of a person's life. It attempts to study objective and subjective information. The results represent a total satisfaction with life experiences. It includes areas of family life, friends, extended family,health, home, education, leisure, religion, mass media, financialwell-being, and neighborhood and community. HIGH scores tend to indicate a person that perceives a good quality of life. Experiences are often considered positive and relationships are believed to be helpful. LOW scores tend to indicate a person that perceives that the quality of life could be improved. Life experiences have likely been unsatisfying and relationships undependable or untrustworthy.
Quality of Life - Parent Version (QualityP)
The same general test as the adolescent version, but the adult version has more questions.
Family strengths (Strength) are the resources available to the family. It relates to the qualities that contribute to successful family relationships. It focuses on pride, or the family attributes of respect, trust and loyalty within the family. It looks at positive values and beliefs, such as optimism and shared values. There is also a part that evaluates accord, or the sense of mastery or competency within the family. HIGH family strength indicates the person feels the family has a lot of resources to meet the challenges of present stresses and future needs. LOW family strengths indicated the person is not sure the family has sufficient resources to handle current or future stresses.